收集一些有用/有趣的 types/体操
TS Challenges (opens in a new tab)
对一些基础类型的更好扩展,类似 CSS Reset
ts-essentials (opens in a new tab)
有用的工具类型,包括 XOR (opens in a new tab)
函数 Wrapper 的类型
const wrapper: <Args extends unknown[]>(
fn: (...args: Args) => unknown
) => (...args: Args) => unknown = (fn) => {
return (...args) => {
// ...
return fn(...args);
【进阶】类型安全的 Event Emitter
open(url, data)
的类似,根据不同 url,补充 data 的类型,这里的实现比较简单,因为限制了一定存在 Event,而 url 是不限制的
interface EventDefinitions {
// 通过将事件声明收敛到同一个 interface,能够防止事件名冲突
I_AM_HUNGRY: [isReallyHungry: boolean];
declare function emit<T extends keyof EventDefinitions>(
key: T,
...args: EventDefinitions[T]
): void;
declare function on<T extends keyof EventDefinitions>(
key: T,
handler: (...args: EventDefinitions[T]) => void
): void;
// 🎉 正确地报错,没有提供足够的参数
// 🎉 输入逗号时,自动补全提示第二个参数叫「isReallyHungry」且类型为 boolean
emit("I_AM_HUNGRY", true);
// 🎉 输入逗号时,自动补全提示函数接收一个名为「isReallyHungry」且类型为 boolean 的参数
on("I_AM_HUNGRY", (isReallyHungry) => {});
// 🎉 正确地报错,没有这样的事件名
on("I_AM_HUNGARY", () => {});
// registry.ts
export const enum EventKeys {}
export interface EventDefinitions {}
// foo.ts,是 I_AM_HUNGRY 这个事件主要触发的地方,提供了事件的注册
declare module "./registry" {
export const enum EventKeys {
export interface EventDefinitions {
[EventKeys.I_AM_HUNGRY]: [isReallyHungry: boolean];
emit(EventKeys.I_AM_HUNGRY, ...);
export {};
// bar.ts
import { EventKeys } from "./registry";
// 并不需要导入 `foo.ts`,TypeScript 知道 I_AM_HUNGRY 来自 `foo.ts`
on(EventKeys.I_AM_HUNGRY, (isReallyHungry) => {});
type ResolveRouteParam<T extends string> =
// 👇 我们只判断了 number,你可以扩展其它类型!
T extends `${infer P}@${infer _ extends "number"}` // 这是比较复杂的写法,可以改成 @number
? [P, number]
: [T, unknown];
type ParseRouteString<
T extends string,
// 我们使用元组来承载解析出来的路由参数,当然它们还是通过联合类型去处理
Params extends [string, unknown] = never
> = T extends `${string}:${infer P}/${infer Rest}`
? ParseRouteString<Rest, Params | ResolveRouteParam<P>>
: T extends `${string}:${infer P}`
? Params | ResolveRouteParam<P>
: Params;
type MakeParamsType<
T extends string,
R extends [string, unknown] = ParseRouteString<T>
> = {
// 👇 注意到 R[0] 返回 "userId" | "bookId"
[K in R[0]]: R extends [K, infer U] ? U : never;
// 👆 使用分配式条件类型找到 K 对应的元组的第二个元素,即它的路由参数类型
// 分配式条件类型的计算过程(当 K 为 "bookId" 时):
// 1. ["userId", number] | ["bookId", number] extends ["bookId", infer U]...
// 2. ["userId", number] extends ["bookId", infer U]... | ["bookId", number] extends ["bookId", infer U]...
// 3. never | number
// 4. number
} & {};
interface MyRequest<T> {
params: T;
declare function get<T extends string>(
route: T,
handlerFn: (req: MyRequest<MakeParamsType<T>>) => void
): void;
get("/users/:userId@number/books/:bookId@number", (req) => {
const { params } = req;
// ^? const params: { userId: number; bookId: number }
type RemoveSpaces<T extends string> =
string extends T // 👈 通过这种方式判断它是否为 string 类型
? string
: T extends `${infer Head}${infer Tail}`
? `${Head extends ' ' ? '' : Head}${RemoveSpaces<Tail>}`
: '';
扩充 filter Boolean 的类型
使得经过 Boolean 过滤后的数组都保持非空元素
type Truthy<T> = T extends false | 0 | "" | null | undefined | 0n ? never : T;
// 扩充 Array 方法
interface Array<T> {
// 看到一个版本 对 BooleanConstructor 做扩充
filter(predicate: BooleanConstructor, thisArg?: any): Truthy<T>[];
const arr = [1, 2, undefined].filter(Boolean); // number[]
用 ts-reset 可以直接使用
// => U without T, 把 T 独有的 key 都变成 never
export type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never };
// 最终生成的结果还是类似自动加 never
export type XOR<T, U> = T | U extends object
? (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T)
: T | U;
属性互斥的常见场景:其中有 a 和 b 字段是二选一的, foo 是可选的。自己也遇到过,挺棘手的。
手工用 never 处理类型(也是自己用的方法,比较初级,也是核心逻辑)
用体操自动加 never 字段
- 可以实现
JustOne<UserConfig, ['a', 'b','c']>
- 可以实现
- 什么是 XOR (opens in a new tab),门电路中,两个输入互不相同,但只要其中一个有 1 则输出 1,其他输出 0
- 在 TS 中的场景,比如
XOR<{ a: boolean}, { b: boolean }>
其中一个给了值(有 1),没有给的情况就是输入 0,如果两个都输入了 1(都有值),就不符合类型 - 在这个回答 (opens in a new tab)中也看到了这段代码
拿 XOR 做例子
* 有 error 的时候 就是异常了 必然有 description 且 data 是 error 真实的值 可能是 字符串 or 对象
* 没有 error (if (!error) 的 else 情况) data 就是 API 的类型
export type SDKApiResponseWrapper<T> = XOR<
error: SDKApiErrResp;
data: RawSDKApiErrResp;
data?: T;
Deep Partial
来自 stackoverflow 回答
export type DeepPartial<T> = T extends Record<string, any>
? {
[P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[P]>;
: T;
Module Tools Types
声明为一个 .d.ts
/// <reference types='xx/types' />
/// <reference types="node" />
/// <reference types="react" />
/// <reference types="react-dom" />
declare namespace NodeJS {
interface ProcessEnv {
readonly NODE_ENV: "development" | "production" | "test";
readonly PUBLIC_URL: string;
declare module "*.bmp" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.gif" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.jpg" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.jpeg" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.png" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.ico" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.webp" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.svg" {
export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.bmp?inline" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.gif?inline" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.jpg?inline" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.jpeg?inline" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.png?inline" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.ico?inline" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.webp?inline" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.svg?inline" {
export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.bmp?url" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.gif?url" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.jpg?url" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.jpeg?url" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.png?url" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.ico?url" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.webp?url" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.svg?url" {
export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGProps<
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.css" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.scss" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.less" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.styl" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.sass" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.module.css" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.module.scss" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.module.less" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.module.styl" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.module.sass" {
const classes: { readonly [key: string]: string };
export default classes;
declare module "*.md" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.hbs" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.yaml" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.toml" {
const src: string;
export default src;
declare module "*.xml" {
const src: string;
export default src;
推断 readonly satisfies
告诉编译器是 const,告诉程序员是某个 type
interface RouteItem { readonly path: string };
export const routes = [
{ path: '/abc/:bcd' }
] as const satisfies readonly RouteItem[];
type R = typeof routes;
let ee = routes[0].path // let ee: "/abc/:bcd"
export enum FormType {
export interface PageConfig {
routers: Readonly<FormType[]>;
title: string;
showBack?: boolean;
export const PageConfigMap = {
[FormType.LOGIN_SMS_CODE]: {
routers: [FormType.LOGIN_SMS_CODE, FormType.LOGIN_PWD] as const,
title: '验证码登录',
showBack: true,
[FormType.LOGIN_PWD]: {
routers: [FormType.LOGIN_PWD] as const,
title: '密码登录',
showBack: true,
} as const satisfies Record<FormType, PageConfig>;
const s = PageConfigMap[FormType.LOGIN_SCAN];
type RemoveOptional<T> = {
[k in keyof T as T[k] extends Required<T>[k] ? k : never]: T[k]
interface A {
value?: string;
type: number;
type DA = RemoveOptional<A>; // { type: number }
一种 Map 方法
将一个对象类型的属性 map 成标准格式
type Field<Form = Record<string, unknown>> = {
[K in keyof Form]: {
field: K;
value: Form[K];
}[keyof Form];
interface Form {
name: string;
age: number;
const fieldA: Field<Form> = {
field: "name",
value: " ", // must be string since Form['name'] is string
const fieldB: Field<Form> = {
field: "age",
value: 123, // must be number since Form['age'] is number
const wrong: Field<Form> = {
field: "age",
value: "sdfs",
type TupleA = [0, 0];
type TupleB = [0, 0, 0, 0];
type TupleALength = TupleA["length"]; // 2
type TupleBLength = TupleB["length"]; // 4
type TupleC = [...TupleA, ...TupleB];
type TupleCLength = TupleC["length"]; // 6
- 通过递归,给数组塞元素,直到满足长度
这样以来 加法就有了
type _NArray<N, T extends unknown[]> = T["length"] extends N
? T
: _NArray<N, [unknown, ...T]>;
type NArray<N> = N extends number ? _NArray<N, []> : never;
type Add<A extends number, B extends number> = [
type ResultA = Add<1, 1>; // 2
// 减法 通过推导出满足答案的长度的元组
type Subtract<A extends number, B extends number> = NArray<A> extends [
...head: NArray<B>,
...rest: infer R
? R["length"]
: -1;
type TestSubtract = Subtract<5, 2>; // 5 - 2 = 3
// 乘法,需要依赖减法
type _Multiply<
A extends number,
B extends number,
R extends unknown[]
> = B extends 0
? R["length"]
: _Multiply<A, Subtract<B, 1>, [...NArray<A>, ...R]>;
type Multiply<A extends number, B extends number> = _Multiply<A, B, []>;
type TestMultiply = Multiply<4, 5>; // 4 * 5 = 20
// 除法,需要依赖减法
type _DividedBy<
A extends number,
B extends number,
R extends unknown[]
> = A extends 0
? R["length"]
: Subtract<A, B> extends -1
? unknown
: _DividedBy<Subtract<A, B>, B, [unknown, ...R]>;
type DividedBy<A extends number, B extends number> = B extends 0
? unknown
: _DividedBy<A, B, []>;
type TestDivideBy = DividedBy<18, 6>; // 18 / 6 = 3
走楼梯问题,N 阶台阶,每次只能走 1 or 2 个
对于 N 阶,有几种走法?
type _NArray<N, T extends unknown[]> = T["length"] extends N
? T
: _NArray<N, [unknown, ...T]>;
type NArray<N> = N extends number ? _NArray<N, []> : never;
type Add<M extends number, N extends number> = [
type Subtract<M extends number, N extends number> = NArray<M> extends [
...x: NArray<N>,
...rest: infer R
? R["length"]
: 0;
type Fibonacci<N extends number> = N extends number
? Subtract<N, 2> extends 0
? N
: Add<Fibonacci<Subtract<N, 1>>, Fibonacci<Subtract<N, 2>>>
: never;
type Result = Fibonacci<5>; // 8 [1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
Array join
type ArrayStructure<Head extends string, Tail extends string[]> = [Head, ...Tail];
type Join<T extends string[], S extends string, Result extends string = ''> =
T extends [] ? Result :
T extends ArrayStructure<infer Node, []> ? `${Result}${Node}` :
T extends ArrayStructure<infer Head, infer Tail> ? `${Head}${S}${Join<Tail, S, Result>}` : never;
type Res = Join<['1', '2', '3'], ','>;
部分属性 partial/required
参考:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53741993/typescript-partially-partial-type (opens in a new tab)
挑选对象中某几个 key 变成 partial or required
type PickPartial<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>> &
Partial<Pick<T, K>>;
type PickRequired<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>> &
Required<Pick<T, K>>;
setTimeout 的返回值类型?
我遇到了在这篇 stackoverflow (opens in a new tab) 上同样的问题
const timer: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> = setTimeout(() => '', 1000);
type ModifyPropType<Base, Props extends keyof Base, NewType> = Omit<Base, Props> & {
[k in Props]: NewType;
type demo = ModifyPropType<{
id: number
}, 'id', string>,
function IsString (input: any): input is string {
return typeof input === 'string';
function foo (input: string | number) {
if (IsString(input)) {
input.toString() //被判断为string
} else {
数组长度生成 union type
想用数组的 length 生成一个 union type,比如 length = 4 -> type N = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3,这样有可能吗?
来自 nihouze 大佬的第一版
type StrIndex<T extends readonly any[]> = Exclude<keyof T, keyof any[]>; // 数组下标的 union string 类型 [1, 2, 3] -> '0' | '1' | '2'
// 利用递归 数组长度减少来实现 ts 4.1 above
type Tail<T> = T extends [any, ...infer R] ? R : never;
type Length<T extends any[]> = T["length"];
type Cool<Arr extends any[]> = Tail<Arr> extends never
? []
: [Length<Tail<Arr>>, ...Cool<Tail<Arr>>];
type Fin<T extends any[]> = Cool<T>[number];
type D = Fin<[4, 5, 6]>; // 0 | 1 | 2