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A tiny state manager for React, React Native, Preact, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Lit, Angular, and vanilla JS. It uses many atomic stores and direct manipulation.


非常小:334 and 1064 bytes (minified and gzipped),无依赖

API & 使用

// store/users.ts
import { atom } from "nanostores";
export const users = atom<User[]>([]);
export function addUser(user: User) {
  users.set([...users.get(), user]);
// store/admins.ts
import { computed } from "nanostores";
import { users } from "./users.ts";
export const admins = computed(users, (allUsers) =>
  allUsers.filter((user) => user.isAdmin)

In React

// components/admins.tsx
import { useStore } from "@nanostores/react";
import { admins } from "../stores/admins.js";
export const Admins = () => {
  const list = useStore(admins);
  return (
      { => (
        <UserItem user={user} />

atom 支持原始基础类型,map 开始支持对象类型

支持 Lazy Stores 比较有意思:在 store 被加上 listener 的时候和清除完 listener 的时候会触发的 callback

  • Mount: when one or more listeners was mount to the store.
  • Disabled: when store has no listeners.
    • For performance reasons, store will move to disabled mode with 1 second delay after last listener unsubscribing.
import { onMount } from "nanostores";
onMount(profile, () => {
  // Mount mode
  return () => {
    // Disabled mode


细看了源码,写的还是很有意思的,一个 atom store 完成了基础类型变量的状态系统,衍生出 map 处理对象类型,先写的 js 再加的 ts 类型,感觉写起来会方便很多(不用顾及写代码时候的类型了)


整体的生态还是比较完善的,支持很多现代框架,看了 nanostores/react (opens in a new tab) 的代码,简单的结合 useSyncExternalStore (opens in a new tab) 完成的,很棒,又学了一个 hook。

代码还是比较简洁和易懂的,也不多,从 atom 开始 map,然后到 task action lifecycle...不是很费力

除了 lifecycle 那块 onMount 这些,要理解他 on 的流程。

BTW 这个作者 (opens in a new tab)非常牛牛牛啊,The creator of Autoprefixer, @postcss (opens in a new tab), @browserslist (opens in a new tab), and @logux (opens in a new tab)