TS Handbook

https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/basic-types.html (opens in a new tab)

TS 不多介绍了,本文只记录一些值得注意的点以及新的特性

  • 2022.12.09 14:46:57 的一点思考:
    • 学 TS 到底是在学他的什么东西?
      • TS 存在的意义?类型检查(安全性)、代码提示(便利性)、类型友好(API)、...
      • 从一开始学如何写类型,能够更好保证类型教研
      • 更好的推导类型,类型编程,开始做体操(目前自己所在的阶段)
      • 类型背后的本质、理念、源码
      • 其他的一些“类型周边”:npm 包的类型,eslint,tsc,...
      • ...

Basic types


ts 可谓一绝的类型,能够 opt-in and opt-out 类型检查,也就意味着只要给 any,就不会再编译前进行类型检查。。。全部都给any类型的话就毫无意义了。。

opt-in/opt-out: 选择加入/退出


let a: Object = 123.123;
// a.toFixed(4); // 报错Property 'toFixed' does not exist on type 'Object'.
// let b: object = 123; // 报错类型不匹配

并且 Note: Avoid using Object in favor of the non-primitive object type as described in our Do’s and Don’ts (opens in a new tab) section.

不要用Object,而用object,原因是小写的是大写的类型 notion,大写的其实被认为都是Object类型(functuon),反正就用typeof得到的类型表示即可


let arr: any[] = [1, "2", 33];


枚举类型也有了哈,也是默认从 0 开始的,后续枚举都是自增 1,对枚举对象访问属性的值即可获得属性名,获取不到的自然就是 undef 了

enum Gender {
  Boy = 1.2,
interface Person {
  sex: Gender;
let sex: Gender = Gender.Boy;
console.log(sex); // 1.2
console.log(Gender.Alien); // 3.2
console.log(Gender.Boy); // 1.2
console.log(Gender.Girl); // 2.2
console.log(Gender[1.2]); // Boy
console.log(Gender[2.2]); // Girl
console.log(Gender[3.2]); // Alien

深入 enum

Enum to Union 可以通过:typeof keyof ENUM

普通 enum 的真正编译结果

enum K {
    a = 1,

⬇️ 双向赋值 key value

var K;

(function (K) {
    K[K["a"] = 1] = "a";
    K[K["b"] = 2] = "b";
    K[K["c"] = 3] = "c";
})(K || (K = {}));

// K 其实长这样
  "1": "a",
  "2": "b",
  "3": "c",
  "a": 1,
  "b": 2,
  "c": 3

const enum 在编译的时候直接会把对应的值取过去

取 enum 的 key 的 string 值

(其实和 object 一样,传入对应的 key 即可)

Enum 可以被 Object.entries 调用,返回 [[key, value], ...]但注意上头的双向 key value 情况,不是常规的对象!用 findIndex 之类的可能会不符合预期

enum GenderEnum{
  'male' = '男生',
  'female' = '女生'

interface IPerson{
   gender:keyof typeof GenderEnum // 如果需要用到 枚举的 key

let bob:IPerson = {name:"bob",gender:'male'}



any的反面, the absence of having any type at all


Null and Undefined




如果tsc --strictNullChecks的情况下,只能将nullundefined赋值给其对应的类型或者是void




For instance, never is the return type for a function expression or an arrow function expression that always throws an exception or one that never returns;

function ff(): never {
  throw new Error();
// 只会抛出异常的函数都返回 never 类型 自动推断
const f = () => {
  throw new Error();
}; // const f: () => never


1、负责产品研发和工程架构部相关产品迭代改进及移动新产品的开发; 2、优化前端功能设计,解决各种浏览器和终端设备的兼容性问题; 3、通过技术手段,提升用户体验并满足高性能要求。


1、本科及以上学历,2021 年应届毕业生; 2、熟练掌握计算机相关的基础知识,具备扎实的数据结构和算法基础; 3、熟悉前端领域相关的知识,如 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 等; 4、具备良好的沟通协作和解决问题能力,热爱技术,责任心强。 加分项: 1、有相关的实习经历、开源项目、个人博客等; 2、有良好的编程习惯和经验,有任意后端的项目经验。


Type assertion


为什么要用它?因为我们有时候会比 TypeScript 的编译器更加清楚某个变量的用途(通常是对类型的更加明确,比如有些变量是 any 类型,但是在其他地方必须是 string 才能用)

形式类似其他语言的类型转换,但是在 TS 中只是对类型进行检查,在运行时不影响(不重构数据比如内存分配啥的),仅仅只给编译器用的


  • <type>

    let sss: any = "adfadsfdsf";
    sss = 123;
    let len: number = (<string>sss).length;
    // let len: number = sss.length;
  • as(jsx 中的 TS 仅支持 as

    let len: number = (sss as string).length;




function sumMatrix(matrix: number[][]) {
  let sum = 0;
  for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
    var currentRow = matrix[i];
    for (let i = 0; i < currentRow.length; i++) {
      // 注意这里也是 i
      sum += currentRow[i];
  return sum;
let res: number = sumMatrix([
  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
console.log(res); // 60


// @ts-ignore



  • 可选属性
  • 属性无排序要求
  • 只读属性:在属性前加readonly,修改该属性会报错
interface SquareConfig {
  name: string;
  color?: string;
  width?: number;
  readonly border: boolean;


interface Foo {
  (a: string): string; // 形参列表: 返回类型
type Foo = (a: string) => string;


TypeScript comes with a ReadonlyArray<T> type that is the same as Array<T> with all mutating methods removed, so you can make sure you don’t change your arrays after creation:


let a: number[] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
let roa: ReadonlyArray<number> = a;
roa.pop(); // 报错
a = roa; // 报错
a = roa as number[]; // 这是可以的


readonly vs const

Variables use const whereas properties use readonly.

readonly 当然是给属性的啊

option bags


interface SquareConfig {
  // 这就是一个 option bag
  color?: string;
  width?: number;
function createSquare(config: SquareConfig): { color: string; area: number } {
  return { color: config.color || "red", area: config.width || 20 };
let mySquare = createSquare({ colour: "red", width: 100 });

注意最后一行的属性是colour,此时编译器会报错提示我们是不是要输入 color,这种单词拼错是我们在 js 中经常会造成的 bug!

注意我们可能会认为colour是一个附加属性,并且width是符合的,但是 TS 这里会将作为参数的对象每个属性进行类型检查。

Object literals get special treatment and undergo excess property checking when assigning them to other variables, or passing them as arguments. If an object literal has any properties that the “target type” doesn’t have, you’ll get an error:

就不要写其他属性createSquare({color: 'black'})


let mySquare = createSquare({ width: 100, opacity: 0.5 } as SquareConfig);


interface SquareConfig {
  color?: string;
  width?: number;
  [propName: string]: any;

Keep in mind that for simple code like above, you probably shouldn’t be trying to “get around” these checks. For more complex object literals that have methods and hold state, you might need to keep these techniques in mind, but a majority of excess property errors are actually bugs. That means if you’re running into excess property checking problems for something like option bags, you might need to revise some of your type declarations. In this instance, if it’s okay to pass an object with both a color or colour property to createSquare, you should fix up the definition of SquareConfig to reflect that.

Function Types

函数类型用函数签名来定义,啊,好怀念啊 C++ 的说法,函数签名:形参列表 + 返回值类型(决定了函数的唯一性)

interface SearchFunc {
  (source: string, subString: string): boolean;


let myfunc: SearchFunc = (s: string, ss: string) => {
  const idx: number = s.search(ss);
  return true;

Indexable Types


interface StringArray {
  [index: number]: string;
let sa: StringArray;
sa = ["aaa ", "bvvv"];

index signature


**注意:**index 的访问其实在 js 中也是转为字符串的,所以用 number 和 string 作为键的类型都是一样的,但是两者同时出现的情况下,需要满足 number key 的类型是 string key 的子类型,因为 number 会转换为 string,也希望下面的 Dog 能转换为 Animal

interface Animal {
  name: string;
interface Dog extends Animal {
  breed: string;
// Error: indexing with a numeric string might get you a completely separate type of Animal!
interface NotOkay {
  [y: number]: Animal;
  // Numeric index type 'Animal' is not assignable to string index type 'Dog'.
  [x: string]: Dog;
interface okay {
  [y: string]: Animal;
  [x: number]: Dog; // 这样就 ok

Class 实现 接口

a class meets a particular contract,满足接口的定义


interface ClockInterface {
  currentTime: Date;
  setTime(d: Date): void;
class Clock implements ClockInterface {
  currentTime = new Date();
  setTime(d: Date) {
    this.currentTime = d;
  constructor(hour: number, minute: number) {}

注意这里的接口只能规定可拥有的 public 属性,不能用来检查私有成员


This is because when a class implements an interface, only the instance side of the class is checked.


interface ClockConstructor {
  new (hour: number, minute: number);
class Clock implements ClockConstructor {
  // Class 'Clock' incorrectly implements interface 'ClockConstructor'.
  currentTime: Date;
  constructor(h: number, m: number) {}


// 这个接口 定义的 是一个 函数 返回的是 ClockInterface 类型
interface ClockConstructor {
  new (hour: number, minute: number): ClockInterface;
interface ClockInterface {
  tick(): void;
function createClock(
  ctor: ClockConstructor, // 接受一个构造函数
  hour: number,
  minute: number
): ClockInterface {
  return new ctor(hour, minute);
// 只需要实例满足有 tick
class DigitalClock implements ClockInterface {
  constructor(h: number, m: number) {}
  tick() {
    console.log("beep beep");
// 只需要实例满足有 tick
class AnalogClock implements ClockInterface {
  constructor(h: number, m: number) {}
  tick() {
    console.log("tick tock");
let digital = createClock(DigitalClock, 12, 17);
let analog = createClock(AnalogClock, 7, 32);



interface Shape {
  color: string;
  // penWidth: string; // 下面扩展的时候会报错 类型不一样不能合并
interface PenStroke {
  penWidth: number;
// 同时扩展可写一起
interface Square extends Shape, PenStroke {
  sideLength: number;
// let square = {} as Square;
let square: Square = {} as Square; // 记得初始化 然后告诉 ts 我知道这个类型
square.color = "blue";
square.sideLength = 10;
square.penWidth = 5.0;


interface Counter {
  (start: number): string; // 是一个接受 number 返回 string 的函数类型
  interval: number;
  reset(): void;
function getCounter(): Counter {
  let counter = function (s: number) {} as Counter;
  counter.interval = 222;
  counter.reset = function () {};
  return counter;
let c = getCounter();
c.interval = 5.0;

接口继承 class


class Control {
  private state: any;
// 这个接口继承了 Control 类 state 属性是被继承的关系
interface SelectableControl extends Control {
  select(): void;
class Button extends Control implements SelectableControl {
  select() {}
class TextBox extends Control {
  select() {}
class ImageControl implements SelectableControl {
  // Class 'ImageControl' incorrectly implements interface 'SelectableControl'.
  //Types have separate declarations of a private property 'state'.
  private state: any;
  select() {}

来稍微解释一下,SelectableControl 继承了 Control 类,state 属性是被继承的关系。所以 class 在实现 SelectableControl 的时候必须也是对 state 继承的关系,Button 先继承了 Control 再去实现是 ok 的,然而 ImageControl 有自己的私有属性,并非继承的来,就不行了。

目前先这样看,到时候学 class 的时候深入。。

interface 和 type 的区别:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/92906055 (opens in a new tab)


由于 git 操作失误,这一节的笔记没了,重头来过还是算了。。。

算了还是快速的 recall 一下


// typed function variable
// 类型的变量名无所谓的
let add2: (xx: number, yy: number) => number = function (
  x: number,
  y: number
): number {
  return x + y;


// 变量不给类型的时候也会自动推断的
const pt: (x: string) => void = function (x) {


js 中都是可选参数,默认是undefined

const greet = (name = ""): void => {
  console.log(`Hello ${name}`);



const sum = (...nums: number[]): number => {
  return nums.reduce((acc: number, x: number): number => acc + x);

this 参数

可以显式传入 this

interface Card {
  suit: string;
  card: number;
interface Deck {
  suits: string[];
  cards: number[];
  createCardPicker(this: Deck): () => Card; // 返回的是一个 Card creator
let deck: Deck = {
  suits: ["hearts", "spades", "clubs", "diamonds"],
  cards: Array(52),
  createCardPicker: function (this: Deck) {
    // return function () {
    // 这里用 arrow function 就可以了
    return () => {
      let pickedCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * 52);
      let pickedSuit = Math.floor(pickedCard / 13);
      return { suit: this.suits[pickedSuit], card: pickedCard % 13 };


为什么需要?当一个函数根据条件判断返回不同类型的值的时候,ts 没办法做类型推断了,此时可以用重载告诉 ts 不同情况下对应参数的类型

function pickCard(x: { suit: string; card: number }[]): number;
function pickCard(x: number): { suit: string; card: number };
function pickCard(x: any): any {
  // Check to see if we're working with an object/array
  // if so, they gave us the deck and we'll pick the card
  if (typeof x == "object") {
    let pickedCard = Math.floor(Math.random() * x.length);
    return pickedCard;
  // Otherwise just let them pick the card
  else if (typeof x == "number") {
    let pickedSuit = Math.floor(x / 13);
    return { suit: suits[pickedSuit], card: x % 13 };
let myDeck = [
  { suit: "diamonds", card: 2 },
  { suit: "spades", card: 10 },
  { suit: "hearts", card: 4 },
let pickedCard1 = myDeck[pickCard(myDeck)];
alert("card: " + pickedCard1.card + " of " + pickedCard1.suit);
let pickedCard2 = pickCard(15);
alert("card: " + pickedCard2.card + " of " + pickedCard2.suit);

Literal Types


let const

let声明的变量说明这个变量的内容有可能会被改变,所以 ts 会设定类型

const声明的变量不会改变了,所以 ts 会直接设定他的内容。可以在 vscode 悬浮在变量上看

string literal types

type Easing = "ease-in" | "ease-out" | "ease-in-out";


同样 数值型也可以


interface ValidationSuccess {
  isValid: true; // 定死了?
  reason: null;
interface ValidationFailure {
  isValid: false;
  reason: string;
type ValidationResult = ValidationSuccess | ValidationFailure;
let succ: ValidationSuccess = {
  isValid: true,
  reason: null,

Unions and Intersection Types


Union Types


const padLeft = (value: string, padding: any): string => {
  if (typeof padding === "number") {
    return Array(padding + 1).join(" ") + value;
  if (typeof padding === "string") {
    return padding + value;
  throw new Error("padding type not match");

对一个字符串做 pad left 操作,可以接受数字(pad 空格)或者字符串(拼接)

此时 padding 的类型是 any,意味着给一个 true 都是不会被类型检查出来的。。const res = padLeft('yes ok', true)


const padLeft = (value: string, padding: string | number): string => {

Union types with commom field


interface Bird {
  fly(): void;
  layEggs(): void;
interface Fish {
  swim(): void;
  layEggs(): void;
declare function getSmallPet(): Fish | Bird;
let pet = getSmallPet();
// Only available in one of the two possible types
pet.swim(); // 报错了

此时 pet 编译器无法确认到底是 Bird 还是 Fish,所以只能调用他们共有的字段。

intersection types


interface ErrorHandling {
  success: boolean;
  error?: { message: string };
interface ArtworksData {
  artworks: { title: string }[];
interface ArtistsData {
  artists: { name: string }[];
// These interfaces are composed to have
// consistent error handling, and their own data.
type ArtworksResponse = ArtworksData & ErrorHandling;
type ArtistsResponse = ArtistsData & ErrorHandling;
let ar: ArtworksResponse = {
  success: false,
  artworks: [{ title: "123" }],


TS 在 ES6 之上加了一些强制限制


  • 继承的时候,子类构造函数必须用super函数初始化父类

Public, private, and protected modifiers

ES6 居然有 private 属性的写法?

class MyClass {
  a = 1; // .a is public
  #b = 2222; // .#b is private
  static #c = 3; // .#c is private and static
  incB() {
  ptC() {

但是,ts 好像不支持 static 同时修饰 private 变量...

ts 支持 es6 的#privateFeild,也支持private修饰。

注意在 ts 中privateprotected在进行两个类类型比较的时候也会参与比较

protected 修饰和其他 oop 语言一样,只能通过子类内部去获取

readonly 也支持

Parameter properties


class Octopus {
  readonly numberOfLegs: number = 8;
  constructor(readonly name: string, public age: number) {}
  sayName() {
    console.log(this.name, this.age);
let dad = new Octopus("Man with the 8 strong legs", 123);


get & set


Static property


Abstract class


基类,写 abstract 函数(就是 virtual 函数),子类具体的去实现

Class as an interface

class Point {
  x: number;
  y: number;
interface Point3d extends Point {
  z: number;
let point3d: Point3d = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };


文档 (opens in a new tab)

TS1.5 之前是叫做内部模块,后续改成了 namespace 关键字

目的也比较明确:分割类型/变量/方法/...的作用域,在 namespace 里面导出的通过 Namespage.xxx 引入


// Validation.ts
namespace Validation {
  export interface StringValidator {
    isAcceptable(s: string): boolean;
// LettersOnlyValidator.ts
/// <reference path="Validation.ts" />
namespace Validation {
  const lettersRegexp = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
  export class LettersOnlyValidator implements StringValidator {
    isAcceptable(s: string) {
      return lettersRegexp.test(s);


// <reference path="Validation.ts" />
/// <reference path="LettersOnlyValidator.ts" />
// ...