About Cookie

请求返回 set-cookie 的域名是如何生效的

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cookie 是在 response 的 header 中的 set-cookie 字段,告诉浏览器在对应的域名下存储 cookie


store-xxx=abc; Path=/; Domain=xxx.com; Max-Age=31536000; HttpOnly

对于域名的处理,According to the RFC 2965, the following should apply:

  • If the Set-Cookie header field does not have a Domain attribute, the effective domain is the domain of the request.
  • If there is a Domain attribute present, its value will be used as effective domain (if the value does not start with a . it will be added by the client).


  1. 没带 Domain 字段的,会将请求的域名作为 effective domain(存 cookie)
  2. 带了 Domain 字段就用这个值,并会进行一些处理
    1. Cookie with Domain=.example.com will be available for www.example.com or abc.example.com
    2. Cookie with Domain=.example.com will be available for example.com
    3. Cookie with Domain=example.com will be converted to .example.com and thus will also be available for www.example.com
    4. Cookie with Domain=example.com will not be available for anotherexample.com

set cookie 是如此,read cookie 也遵循这个规则