Art & Design

【Art & Design】

7 photography trends in 2021 (opens in a new tab)

7 大摄影风格趋势

  1. Inclusivity 包容性,消费者喜欢看到自己(个性、习惯等)能够被 reflect 在照片中
  2. Fantasy meets reality with digital art 一种虚无主义?(escapism)Being a form of escapism, this trend will be less about subtly building upon reality and more about completely reimagining what’s captured on camera into otherworldly scenes that enliven the imagination.
  3. Nostalgia For 2021, that nostalgia will remain another form of escapism. Escaping via futurism is less likely, given we are looking to get away from uncertainty and latch back onto something that feels solid and known — the past.
  4. Smarter edits using AI and machine learning
  5. Artistic photo-documentary 对于 event 的记录可以不是如此写实和原始的,而是可以加上艺术的元素或趋势(比如 nostalgia)
  6. Creative drone photography drone 无人机摄影
  7. Authenticity While the fantasies of digital art can give us the escape we crave from pandemic life, it is realism we crave when it comes to imagery of people and our everyday world. 8.

Fractal Garden (opens in a new tab)

递归的美、数学的美,也有 github 指路,挺有意思 (opens in a new tab)

一个很炫酷的网站,PC 支持,卡通风,动效很强

画图工具 (opens in a new tab)



                  x    x
       xx         x    x
     xxx xxx      x    x
     x     xx     x    x
     x     xx     x    x
     x     x      x    x
      x   xx      x   x
      xxx x       xx xx
   xxxxxxx          xx
  xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 x                     xxxx
 x    xxxx         xxx     xx
x    xx  xx        x  xxx   xx
x    xxxxxx        xxxxxx     x
x                             x
 xx        xxxx   xx          x
  xxx         xxxxx          xx
      x  x                 xx
           x  x x xxxxxxx x

思考摘录:没有一种工具是万能的,万能如 Excalidraw 也无法替代 Lucidchart/ Drawings/Visio 这些复杂的工具(他们更适合复杂的对精确性有高度要求的图)

2023.09.09 21:55:38 +0800

animated svg logo (opens in a new tab)

来自 antfu 的 blog

介绍如何使用 svg 制作可动画的 logo,利用 figma 的 pen 工具,同样可以用 mask 改变笔画的粗细

2023.11.21 16:28:12 +0800

Monospace type font (opens in a new tab)

GitHub 推出更适合 code 的字体 monospace,文章介绍关于 Texture healing,还是挺有意思的

Texture healing preserves the monospace grid, and works in most editors without needing new software or editor plugins.

简单概括来说,就是一些字母,比如 m 在 monospace 的字体下,会被压缩宽度,而一些字母,比如 i 又会被拉宽,当这些字母相遇,比如 filming,字体间会 conflict,可以定义窄/宽字母的字体变体(variants),宽字母可以占据窄字母的空间,窄字母也能让出空间给宽字母,这样让整体单词变得更美观一些(符合我们书写体的审美)

当然,具体的字体文件实现这样的效果,还是有比较复杂的 mix and match

同样在官网 (opens in a new tab)的介绍也很全面(并且 scroll 效果做的真好看啊),主要介绍了两个 features

  1. 上文提到的 Texture healing
  2. Code ligatures:代码连接,比如 >= 会直接展示成一个大于等于符号


  1. MAC 使用 brew (opens in a new tab)
  2. VSCode 配置也看 github (opens in a new tab) 即可

2023.12.29 11:01:08 +0800

小米字体 (opens in a new tab)
